Flowocean has been granted support from Vinnova

Flowocean has been granted support from Vinnova

Flowocean has been granted support from Vinnova for developing its innovative solution for floating wind power in total of SEK 1 907 000.

Flowocean has developed an innovative, patented concept for floating offshore wind power plants and has for this been granted support from Vinnova. Thanks to a significant weight reduction compared to most state of art floating solutions the cost for offshore wind power can be halved. The purpose of this project is to complete the basic design phase, as well as building up a Swedish development organization that can take on delivery projects worldwide. Mats Goldberg is the Project Leader.

The results of the project, including a third-party review, will put confidence in our product on the market. It will be an important piece of the puzzle that can help trigger an order on a first full-scale prototype. At the same time, the foundation for the company’s infrastructure, to continuously develop projects and products, will be built through the project’s realization.
Flowocean is very pleased with this support that enables further development and shows the importance and need for our product.

Vinnova is Sweden’s government agency for innovation. Their mission is to contribute to sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation. Vinnova is a government agency under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, and the national contact authority for the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. They are also the Swedish Government’s expert authority in the area of innovation policy.

For further information, contact:
Mats Goldberg, CTO